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Mining Companies
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The Wesdome Group has been producing gold since 1987. Since 1987 it has put five gold mines into production and assembled strategic property and mining infrastructure in Val d’Or, Quebec and Wawa, Ontario.
Alamos is a Canadian-based mid-tier gold producer that owns and operates the Mulatos Mine in Mexico, one of the lowest cost gold mines in the world. The Company has a leading growth profile with exploration and development activities in Mexico, Turkey and the United States and is committed to the highest standards of sustainable development.
Alhambra Resources Ltd. ("Alhambra" or the "Corporation") is a Canadian based exploration and gold production corporation. Operating through its wholly owned subsidiary, Saga Creek Gold Corp LLP ("Saga Creek") Alhambra is in its eighth year of operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Saga Creek holds the rights...
American Bonanza Gold Corp. (TSX: BZA) is a Canadian company focused on building a portfolio of high quality producing gold mines across North America. American Bonanza Gold Corp.'s mission is to pursue projects that can demonstrate elements of significant quality, including high gold grade, significant upside exploration and the...
AuRico Gold is a leading intermediate Canadian gold and silver producer with a diversified portfolio of high quality mines and projects in Canada, Mexico and Australia. The first production from the exciting Young-Davidson gold mine in northern Ontario is expected by the end of Q1 2012 as the mine ramps up to over 200,000 ounces of annual...
Banro is a Canadian gold company with production from its first gold project, Twangiza, which is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Banro is also focused on the development of its second open pit project Namoya and is undertaking exploration on two further fully permitted and licensed projects, Kamituga and Lugushwa. All...
Belvedere Resources Limited is a Canadian incorporated mining company with a primary focus on gold, nickel, cobalt and copper in Finland. The company is developing a series of satellite gold deposits for processing at their Hitura mill complex, potentially allowing a low capex entry into gold production. 
China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd. (TSX:CGG – HKEx:2099) is a Canadian based, profitable and growing gold and copper producer. The company operates two producing mines in China: the CSH Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia Region, and the Jiama Copper-Polymetallic Mine in Tibet Region. CGG is the flagship and the only overseas...
Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX:CUM) is a Canadian based, high growth mining company focused on adding value through successful exploration, project development, efficient operations, and opportunistic acquisitions. 
Mining technique – conventional underground. Mining depth – 1,021 meters. Nameplate capacity – 1.361 million tonnes KCl. Operational capability (2013) – 2.6 million tonnes KCl